Bad credit may hold you back temporarily, but with the use of credit repair, and pre-paid credit cards, you can really start a new future of great credit, moving towards a great credit score some day, in which you'll have many more options as well as save thousands of dollars in interest rates and fees.
Here are some cards to help build your credit: secured cards for bad credit, pre-paid and debit, cards for no credit, pre-paid-debit, for bad credit, secured credit cards
Monday, June 20, 2011
3-8 Credit Cards with Bad Credit
3-5 Credit Cards with Bad Credit
With poor credit, your best bet may be to use Prepaid Credit Cards, which are credit cards you pre-pay your own money and in turn you can use it as a regular of a credit card, and the issuing banks or companies can notify and update the credit bureaus with your payment history.
3-6 Credit Cards with Bad Credit
If you continue to pay down your balance and keep a good payment history, that will reflect on your credit report and improve your credit score over time.
Your poor credit history and low score can affect you in the home loan approval process when trying to buy a home.
3-7 Credit Cards with Bad Credit
We have created specific pages further explaining past negative items that may be reflecting on your credit history:
bankruptcy, collections, deed-in-lieu, foreclosures, judgments, late payments, federal tax liens, state tax liens loan modification, short sales, student loans.
3-3 Credit Cards with Bad Credit
For those with bad credit I often will suggest these search companies to seek credit repair services.
The reason is I've gone to a lot of seminars, read a lot of books and know experts who have seen as much as 150 point credit score ncreases in only 6 weeks, results will vary, this is not typical, but do know that great improvements are possible.
3-4 Credit Cards with Bad Credit
Some people have bad credit due to not having identity theft protection with one of the major bureaus which will give you alerts of who is using your credit or pulling your credit.
Your credit is very valuable to you, a great credit score will save you thousands of dollars throughout your lifetime
2-6 Credit Cards
The three major credit bureaus are: Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion.
On each of the pages we discuss these companies and some of the features and benefits their websites provide.
We'd like to let you know we have seen credit score increases of 150 points in only 6 weeks, although results will vary, it's good to know that you can improve your credit.
3-1 Credit Cards with Bad Credit
When trying to get a credit cards with bad credit, it can be challenging.
The reason is if your credit history reflects poorly with any of the 3 major credit bureaus: Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion.
Knowing if you have a bad credit history or bad credit score is just a matter of getting your credit report.
3-2 Credit Cards with Bad Credit
It's said that if you pull your own credit it's not suppose to affect your score.
Each of the three bureaus would like to harge you for getting a credit report and a score, as well as additional monitoring features.
Agencies are required by law to provide all U.S. citizens with 1 free credit report every 12 months, you'll find this on-line at
2-2 Credit Cards
As a general rule, those with bad credit are pretty limited on the cards and companies that will give you a credit card.
A good option may be pre-paid loadable cards.
2-4 Credit Cards
Before applying to any of these credit cards, we would like to encourage you to fully understand your credit score and review your credit report history to determine what needs to be improved and how you can utilize a credit restoration company for credit repair services.
2-5 Credit Cards
Applying for credit cards and having another company pull your credit can affect your home loan approval process.
If you are denied by any of the credit cards above, many will have one of the major 3 credit bureaus mail you the reasons you were denied.
Sometimes these reasons are vague, but often it's because of negative items on your credit report.
1-10 Credit Bureau TransUnion
Please learn about your credit and all of the positive factors that can help you, as well as what negative items are holding you back and for how long.
Your credit history and score is a very vital part of your life, and affects so many services that you can be approved for, or not be approved for.
It affects you even more with higher interest rates and expensive fees.
1-11 Credit Bureau TransUnion
Do the math over 30 years of paying even 1 or 2% higher interest rate on a home loan of $150,000, it adds up to a lot of
extra hours at work, if not a 2nd part-time job just to make up for your low credit score.
2-1 Credit Cards
Before applying for credit cards you'll probably decide which of the categories you fit in: Excellent Credit, Good Credit, Fair Credit, Bad Credit, or No Credit History.
Knowing that those with excellent credit can choose from most of the categories, as well as the rewards credit cards.
Sunday, June 19, 2011
1-7 Credit Bureau TransUnion
Much like the other credit bureaus, Transunion aims to educate you about credit, help you monitor your own personal credit with alerts for items that shouldn't be on their, or who is pulling your credit.
You may end up signing up for additional monitoring services for identity theft protection.
1-8 Credit Bureau TransUnion
I've been to a lot of seminars and have read a lot of books about credit repair, and I can tell you their is a lot to learn and a lot that can be done, to improve your credit score.
Even if you've had a recent foreclosure or bankruptcy which now shows on your credit report and is giving you negative items resulting in a very low credit score, please be aware that you can search contract for deed homes for sale, and you can often buy your own home even with recent bankruptcies and foreclosures.
1-9 Credit Bureau TransUnion
Even if you've had a recent foreclosure or bankruptcy which now shows on your credit report and is giving you negative items resulting in a very low credit score, please be aware that you can search contract for deed homes for sale, and you can often buy your own home even with recent bankruptcies and foreclosures.