Friday, August 28, 2009

Butterfly Effect DVD

(My Original Blog Post:
I just watched this movie for the second time... It's a must see.  The concept of the butterfly effect is something as simple as how a butterfly flaps it's wings in this place can affect a tsunami on the other side of the world. It's the idea of how a simple action by something can alter the path of how something else happens in life to the same person or someone else and it just goes from there. I really like the concept, it reminds me a little bit of my slight edge post I did before.  There are 3 of these movies now in the series, I thought #1 was by far the best, the 2nd one is pretty good though, the 3rd one got a little much, but different. They all have the theme in common that they try to go back in time through their mind to change things and the outcome.  The important lesson I would take from these movies, is that the past is the past, don't try to hold onto resentment , anger, jealously or any other negative emotions, you can't go back and change it, what you can do is just do it right the first time, that way you will eventually find your actions affecting one after another compounded in time ultimately getting you to where you want to be some day, and then when you do look back in your mind like in the movie, you will be glad you took those actions in that way, as you are the total sum of everything you do, and your thoughts (Earl Nightgale) best explains this.  I would recommend this movie even though it shows how negative actions mostly effect your life, this is probably the most important point, but it would be nice if any of the movies showed more how positive actions can affect your life in the same way over time.  What people need to understand is it's not linear, it's compounding, so something as simple as eating wrong 1500 days in a row, or eating right 1500 days in a row can not easily be erased with a quantam leap, or a wave of a magic wand, little actions make all the difference, stop thinking instant gratification, and lottery, and start thinking of the tiny positive actions to move yourself forward.

Thursday, August 27, 2009 Subconscious positive affirmations

(My Original Blog Post:
Many to choose from, they just added more:

This offers you a way to get postivie affirmations to condition yourself to get what you want, no matter which area of life we are talking about.  It takes positively stated present tense phrases (affirmations) and hides them in to soothing audio so that only your subconcious can here it.  This is something I listen to when using the computer or going to sleep, I find it a great use of time.



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Tuesday, August 25, 2009

The Be Happy Attitudes Robert H. Schuller

(My Original Blog Post:
I just got done listening to this tape set at the end of July 2009, and I have to say I really enjoyed it. I have seen Robert Shuller older on tv over recent years, but it's good to listen to an audio series I believe from about 1986 and to show how much passions Robert Shuller always had. He really wants to help others you can tell in his voice.  He has a wealth of experience and knowledge and he kept me interested through all of the tapes.  I would highly recommend tracking this audio down and listening to anything by him.  He takes the be attitudes and does his be happy attitude version.  He is an inspiration to others and he gives great credit to some of the legends such as Mother Theresa and her personal life story. He talks about people and their personal triumphs and tragedies and how they can overcome them.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Love is Letting Go of Fear

(My Original Blog Post:
I listened to this tape set which is from the very early 1980's and I was surprised how it was much different than a lot of the other things I have listened to.  Some of the beliefs and quotes in here reminded me of the power of now.  There were a lot of good points made about living in the presence and not letting the past or future cloud your judgment.  It made a good point about carrying resentment forward and how simply letting go of your anger would allow you to love or feel loved again.  What it was getting at really is why would you feel anger or any of those emotions if you didn't have to, why not let go of it, even if it's justified.  He gave some good examples in the audio series, including someone he met in jail and his pesonal story.  This was a unique tape series I enjoyed listening to, I'd recommend it because it's from nearly 30 years ago, it may be hard to track down.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Living the Seven Habits Stephen R. Covey

(My Original Blog Post:
This is considered a classic in personal development, and Stephen R. Covey is one of the top sellers in this category.  I have listened to other audios of his like this, and have the 7th and/or 8th habit books recently purchased. I have listened to numerous audios of Stephen R. Covey and I can ensure you he knows his stuff.  This tape set I believe is from about 1992, I believe wikipedia says 1989, but the lessons stay true today that it teaches.  It's probably something you have to listen to a couple of times to remember a lot of it.   According to wikipedia  "It has sold over 15 million copies in 38 languages since first publication"

The 7 habits are:

  • Habit 1: Be Proactive: Principles of Personal Choice ----

  • Habit 2: Begin with the End in Mind: Principles of Personal Vision

  • Habit 3: Put First Things First: Principles of Integrity & Execution

Independence to Interdependence

  • Habit 4: Think Win/Win: Principles of Mutual Benefit

  • Habit 5: Seek First to Understand, Then to be Understood: Principles of Mutual Understanding

  • Habit 6: Synergize: Principles of Creative Cooperation

Continual Improvement

  • Habit 7: Sharpen the Saw: Principles of Balanced Self-Renewal

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Wealth Creation and Preservation Strategies

(My Original Blog Post:
This is a 1 tape set, which is kind of an introduction and sales pitch from John Sundell, CLU. Who works locally here in Minnesota, I looked him up on the internet and he seems to still be in the business.  It's a good quick overview of wealth preservation and how and what he tells his clients. It's really an intro to him and what you can expect when working with him.  I've never met him, but he sounds like a smart qualified person.  This is from the early 80's or late 80's I believe, it may be hard to find in stores.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Working Smarter Michael Leboeuf. Ph.D

(My Original Blog Post:
This is a short tape that talks about working smarter, it talks about business and office work and talks about how to be more efficient at your job and the do's and don't's in a work environment. I thought this tape set was ok, it's a quick listen, so worth some new ideas, it's from the early 80's.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Men are from Mars Women are From Venus

(My Original Blog Post:
I listened to this audio tape, it's pretty short 1+ hour. Also I bought the book recently at the end of July 2009, and I look forward to reading that for the full version.  This is a must read or listen to audio as it will show you how women and men are as different as night and day. It will show you how each person perceives the situation is often wrong because they simply don't understand how the other thinks.  There is a lot of talk about silence, talking, listening, reacting, etc.  This could very well be eye opening to many as what appears to be is not always the case.  Obviously John Gray is the top expert in this field and I have listened to another one of his audio's which I highly recommend.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Wayne Dyer and Byron Katie

(My Original Blog Post:
Making your Thoughts work for you, 4 CD set.  I just listened to this CD set in July of 2009, and I found it to be a little different than some of the other things I've listened to.  The category I'd put it into though for Byron's part is self-reflection, self-realization, possibly spiritual for Wayne's part.  Byron Katie is probably over 1/2 of the CD for audio and at the time of the recording has been teaching her concepts for 20+ years, she has a different approach.  Her approach seems to have a lot of walking you through your thoughts, with some awkward silences, and she totally does a 180 degree spin on how you perceive things and how much of your world is what it is, because of what you put out there.  She took many people form the audience who were upset with other people they knew well and showed them how it was their own personal problem, she didn't disagree with how they felt or that it wasn't justified, she just showed them how they can control themselves which later controls the outcome of others.  It's deeper than I can explain, go out and buy the CD and listen for yourself.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Looking for Leads in the following categories

(My Original Blog Post:
If you know anyone that has a house situation, needs to buy, sell, down payment assistance, owes to much, ARM coming due, was thinking of a loan modification, any housing situation, please have them contact me. This is the latest ad.

<a href=""><img border="0" src=""></a>

Monday, August 17, 2009

The Slight Edge by Jeff Olson

(My Original Blog Post:
This is one of the most important cd's to listen to, I just finished listening to it the 3rd time through in the last couple of years. A lot of my business friends live by these ideas.  This is a CD that you must purchase and listen to often it teaches you about how all of the little things are easy to do and easy not to do.  It talks about how every aspect of your life from health, relationships, finance, any personal success comes from all of the little steps every day and eventually over time it just compounds.  I can explain it to you, but it sounds too simple, it sounds like I am just saying practice personal dicipline, which I am, but again you have to listen to the CD to fully understand, it's 3 long CD's, I have had numerous people tell me it has made a big difference in their lives.  I would describe it as what would seem like common sense, but you still need to hear it, it's explained in such a way you won't forget it.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Living Health Tony Robbins

(My Original Blog Post:
I am listening to the 9 cd audio set Living Health by Tony Robbins, I am half way through and highly recommend it.  It scares you into eating healthy.  It talks about all of the acid in your system. How most disease is based on our lifestyle.  It tells you how bad alchohol, smoking, soda and other things are for you.  Most of the descriptions aren't favorable, so much so, is that you will want to start eating right.  It talks about how anger and resentment emotions destroy your body.  It talks about grease, and fatty foods.  He talks about how imporant it is to have water and give your body lots of oxygen. This is a must listen audio as soon as you can, get your lifestyle on track right away.  He talks about diets and which foods to combine and which ones not to.  What to eat for breakfast and what not to and when to eat it.

Update May 24th, 2009, I am going to listen to most or all of this series of audio a 2nd time, it was a great learning experience.  It teaches you how to get energy and protect your health. I have noticed in minutes how the foods I eat now makes a difference.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

If Success is a Game, these are the rules

(My Original Blog Post:
By Cherie Carter Scott.  This is over a 6 hour audio and it defines success and what it is.  Being fulfilled is the measurement of success and happiness.  You must deem yourself fulfilled inside yourself, within your soul, deep satisfaction.  8 tracks about 45 minutes each track on average.  This audio talks about what success means to different people, how they measure it, it's worth listening to to get an outside look at your goals and what it is you really want, your why, what you are striving for.  A good audio worth getting into.

Friday, August 14, 2009

The Butterfly Effect #3 Movie/DVD

(My Original Blog Post:
There are lessons about life, decisions, and actions to take from this movie, I  personally didn't like this one as much as #1 and #2, I thought the acting and story was worse and a little too much. This one is very much about going in the past to change things and causing more deaths in the meantime. This one had a lot of death and serial killing involved and is more of a killing thriller than the first two I believe.  This one ended up having a nice twist near the ending and still had an overall good storyline.  This one didn't have as much variety as the others.  The theme continues though as you learn that each action and choice you make in life really teaches you how your life will end up as a result of what you choose, how just the small little things, make such a big difference later on in life, this is a great lesson to learn about life from these movies, I'd recommend watching, I think the theme and message is important, it's too bad more movies aren't made like this with more positive messages without the violence and killing, but you need to take out of each movie what you can.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

The Butterfly Effect #2 Movie/DVD

(My Original Blog Post:
This is a great movie, I have seen #1 and #3 also.  The first one is probably the best as it's the first time you see the concept.  The idea of the butterfly effect is a very important concept, it teaches you that something simple like the flapping of a butterfly's wings here in the US could lead to a Tsunami in Japan, or another big event. Each choice and decision we make in our life eventually leads us down the right or wrong path of where we will end up.  This movie does a great job of showing that.  He has the choice to go back in time and change the outcomes of certain split second events and how much his and friends lives are having made one small change in his life. It really makes you think about every choice and action you make on a daily basis and what's in your best interest as well as everyone around you best choice.  Many times the little things you do can make a very big difference for others, this movie is a must see, the difference between each outcome is amazing and somewhat believable.

Memento a movie about time, no short term memory

(My Original Blog Post:
This is a great movie, I just watched it for the 2nd time, it is about now having a short term memory and starting each day fresh not remembering what happened the day before. The movie takes place from the last scene to the first scene, it's a unique concept.  Imagine if you were in a hotel or someone came to meet you, but you didn't know who they were, or why you were in that hotel, that's the dilema the main actor finds himself in constantly so with the use of tatoos, notes and more he learns to try to deal with the day to day.  I think many people live like this, living day to day with no real improvements or not moving forward, in face many people go backwards, but just simply doing the right things every day over time will be like an investment.   This movie challenges your mind to think in a different way the way it's structured, you will think about your life and time differently also after you watch it.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

The Matrix movie by Keanu Reeves about Dreams

(My Original Blog Post:
I just watched the matrix in May of 2009, and I noticed that I have a different viewpoint on the movie now from when I originally saw it maybe 8 years ago.  I believe everyone views this movie differently than another.   The way I view the movie now is I see it as your dreams and controlling your dreams. I think of it like lucid dreams where you can control your reality, you fear nothing and you can achieve what ever you put your mind to.  I realized that based on what you learn about life that you can view life differently just by the way you look at it.  For example if you choose to be successful and happy one day, and throughout that day you walk around you will notice other happy people.  If you feel down and sad one day and think life is tough, you walk around and see and are attracted to different people, the other ones who are also down and sad, so you can see in life what you want to see, and it all starts with you and what you choose.  This movie made me think of my subconscious and that I can train myself to have beliefs to be great like in the movie.  I think this movie really opens the creative mind, and I know most people have already seen this movie, but I would say see it again 8 years later, you may see it differently this next time.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Patch Adams a movie by Robin Williams

(My Original Blog Post:
I've seen this movie a few times, and it's hard to locate at some video stores now.  This movie is definately worth watching when it comes to how to treat people and make the difference in people's lives.  Robin Williams is the underdog who becomes a doctor at a much older age than other students.  He seems to get the best grades in class with literally no effort.  He has a passion to be a doctor in a non traditional sense. He wants to see what truly makes people happy; people of all ages, kids and old people near death.  Robin Williams does a great job of making people laugh and happy in this movie.  Robin Williams is often diciplined by doctors with higher authority because Robin keeps over stepping his boundaries and doing things a different way than they are suppose to do.  Robin continues to prove throughout the movie that he can show patients how to have fun, enjoy life, and be happy even though their circumstances get them down.  This movie is recommended.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Fallen Movie, with Denzel Washington

(My Original Blog Post:
I watched this movie for the 2nd time in May of 2009.  I think this movie means different things to different people, but what I got out of it is the way you act, what you think about, and the vibe you put out to others spreads quickly.  In the example of this movie it wasn't good what was passing from one person to another. It was passed by air or touch in this movie, but in real life it can be passed from one person to another just by an emotion, or by eye contact or lack of eye contact.  It can come from the way we treat people good or bad, it spreads quickly to many other people.   By witnessing in this movie how quickly this vibe can pass from person to person and the evil that it can cause it should make you think twice about how you treat people, good or bad, a smile, frown, eye contact, avoidance, compliments, etc.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

The Uncommon Leader by Mike Murdoch

(My Original Blog Post:
I recently finished reading the book, the Uncommon Leader by Mike Murdoch. I believe this author has over 200 books he has done.  These books are about leadership, money and the bible.  I found it to be a great book and lesson plan for life. There was a lot from the bible in this book, in his own words, as well as excerpts.  I personally like the last chapter about habits working for you or against you to create the future you want.  Here are some chapter headings, Practice the daily habit of self-talk.  Make tomorrow bigger than yesterday.   Protect your passion at all cost.  View time as your speed for change.    There are 31 chapters in this book, and it's a very quick read at 137 pages.  I'd recommend it for some motivation and inspiration.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Get up and do it! by Beechy and Josephine Cloclough

(My Original Blog Post:
I finished listening to the audio Get up and Do it in May of 2009.  This duo team does a great job on audio back and forth.  Beechy and Josephine Cloclough.  These two talk a lot about FEAR, they speak a lot about failure. They give some great real-life examples that many people can relate to.  I found these two to be very real about their approach to how they teach you about overcoming fear, and overcoming negative images.  They talk about all talk and no action.  They talk about positve self-talk and getting ahead, and looking at a positive way to see things. I like some of the examples given in this audio, they are truly unique and memorable.

Conventional Loans (Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac) - 100% Gifts Allowed for Down Payment

(My Original Blog Post:

If interested please just email me  I'll put you in touch with a loan officer or agent.

Conventional Loans (Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac) - 100% Gifts Allowed for Down Payment

- Minimum 680 FICO Required
- Great for the established buyer looking to leverage through financing
- 3% Down Payment can be a gift from relatives, employer or city grant
LOW 30 Year Fixed Rates
- Median income limits apply (only income from borrower on loan used to qualify)
- Loan amounts up to $417,000
- Owner Occupied Only
- Monthly Mortgage Insurance payments required
- Declining market restrictions apply

Friday, August 7, 2009

USDA Loans - 100% No Money Down for Qualified Properties

(My Original Blog Post:

If interested please must email me I'll put you in touch with a loan officer or agent.

USDA Loans - 100% No Money Down for Qualified Properties

- Minimum 620 FICO Score - buyer(s) must have “reasonable” credit history
- Great for low to moderate income and first time homeowners
- Household Area Median Income Limits Apply
LOW 30 Year Fixed Rates
- No monthly Mortgage Insurance payments
- Owner Occupied Only
- Property must be located in a USDA defined market

Veterans Administration Loans - 100% No Money Down for Active and Veteran Military

(My Original Blog Post:

Veterans Administration Loans - 100% No Money Down for Active and Veteran Military

- Minimum 620 FICO score required - buyer must demonstrate ability to pay
- True No Money Down Financing for qualified buyers
Low 30 Year Fixed Rates
- NO Monthly Mortgage Insurance payments
- No Income Limitations
Loan Amounts from $75,000 to over $417,000
- Owner Occupied Only
- No declining market restrictions

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Federal Housing Administration Loans - 100% Gifts Allowed for Down Payment

(My Original Blog Post:

If interested I can put you in touch with an agent/loan officer

Federal Housing Administration Loans - 100% Gifts Allowed for Down Payment

- Minimum 620 FICO score required
- Great for first time homeowners
- 3.5% Down Payment can be a gift from relatives, employer, city grant
VERY LOW 30 Year Fixed Rates
- Low, government sponsored, monthly Mortgage Insurance payments
- 1 Day out of Chapter 13 OK with re-establish credit (2 years with Chapter 7)
- Owner Occupied 1-4 unit only
- NO declining market restrictions

Federal Housing Administration Loans - OK to 580 scores

(My Original Blog Post:

If interested please email me I can put you in touch with an agent/loan officer

Federal Housing Administration Loans - OK to 580 scores

- Minimum 580 minimum middle FICO score required
- Great for first time homeowners
30 Year Fixed Rates Only
- Low, government sponsored, monthly Mortgage Insurance payments
- Owner Occupied Only
- 12 months verified rent history required
- Down payment MUST come from borrowers own funds
- Gifts allowed for all closing costs
- Compensating factors required for 580 scores
- NO declining market restrictions

Buyer Loan Program #1 Fannie Mae Homepath Loan

(My Original Blog Post:

I can put you in touch with an agent/and loan officer if interested please email me

Fannie Mae HOMEPATH Loan

- Minimum 660 minimum middle FICO score required
- Appraisals are NOT required
- Great for first time homeowners AND Investors
- 97% LTV Primary Residence - 90% LTV Investor
No monthly Mortgage Insurance payments
- Owner Occupied AND Investment Property
Down payment can be 100% gifted
- Property must be listed for sale with the Fannie Mae HOMEPATH program
- NO declining market restrictions

Down Payment Assistance

(My Original Blog Post:
It seems that all of these down payment assistance programs are popular with people today, if you know of any buyers we can help out, please let me know:

If interested please just email me   real estate broker

There is always that national $8000 one right now, but also these:

  • Dakota County- Up to $15,000 + Tax Credits

  • Hennepin County- Up to $15,000 + Minneapolis City Grant Assistance + Subsidized Interest Rates

  • Ramsey County- Up to $20,000 + St Paul City Grant Assistance + Subsidized Interest Rates

  • Scott County- Up to $7,500

Call about other county and city programs not listed.

In addition to the down-payment assistance, some organizations are providing money for closing costs.  All of this incentive money is above and beyond the $8,000 in stimulus money available to first-time homebuyers.

Make it Big by Andrew Wood

(My Original Blog Post:
This is an audio series, a few hours by Andrew Wood, he has a strong accent, but is a very positive upbeat speaker, with some good real-life stories.  He is really big in getting you to believe in yourself and set goals in life.  He is about planning and preperation for success.  He has a track named how to attract luck into your life.   He says that 75% of people think they are unlucky. He talks about improving your luck, and having planning meet opportunity.  He brings up some good metaphors that I really like, especially the one about the flat tire and poor planning and poor judgment.  He talks about taking positive action towards your goals, and increasing your chances.  I recommend this, it's a quick listen.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

The Bucket List, what's in your bucket?

(My Original Blog Post:  This movie is about how short life really is and about exploring those things you dare to do.  It's about doing the type of things you would do if you never had another tomorrow. It's about being true to yourself, it's about being dangerous.  This movie is about testing yourself, about testing your limits.  Morgan Freeman and Jack Nicholson do a tremendous job in this movie, and it's truly an inspiring movie.  This movie may even bring a tear to your eye.   Probably a movie watching more than once, as the message it conveys is important, it really teaches you to value life and that every second counts.  I highly recommend this movie to you.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Yes Man with Jim Carrey

(My Original Blog Post:  On May 1st 2009, I finished watching Yes Man with Jim Carrey for the 2nd time.  This is a very good movie for motivation.  It gets you out of your locked in state of mind, and opens your creative mind and gets you to drive yourself to do things you normally wouldn't. It's lights a fire under you.  This movie gets you to explore what you maybe wouldn't have done before.  I enjoyed it even a 2nd time months later.  This movie shows you what you are capable of, if you just say yes more often than saying no.  It gets you to become the person you always wanted to be.  I highly recommend you go rent this movie today!

Monday, August 3, 2009

Your past happened, now onto the Future!

(My Original Blog Post:
It's interesting if we all thing back to when we were 5 years old, we had big dreams, to be an astronaut, to be a rockstar, to be famous, to do the unlimited.  Depending on your childhood life was pretty easy for most of us, we had no pain, no responsibilities, we were free, happy, most of all curious about the world.  Because of this we imagined the impossible, we asked a lot of questions, why was at the beginning of all of our questions. We didn't yet know what pain was.  We had not yet been let down, we did not know who we were, we were still discovering ourselves at every moment.  Happy curiousity was our default emotion, we never watched the news, it wasn't a driver of our life.  We did what we wanted to do, and that's how it was going to be.  Somewhere along the way we all lost those traits.  It's known we once had them, and who's to say they aren't buried deep inside us still somewhere.   If we understand that our emotions trigger positve and negative anchors within us, and bring them back to the surface from the past, why not try to take one of the most common anchors, songs and find a song that was inspiring or fun from when you were about 5 years old that you oftened listened to.   This song should bring back who you were and what you thought of when you were 5 years old.   There is never ever a reason to stop dreaming, or to stop being curious.  Why did we stop asking so many questions, do we know all of the answers now?   We need to stop thinking about what we can't do, and think of what we can do.  Life isn't a scrimmage or a practice, it's the actual real game life, there are no do overs.  Many of us think we regret trying and failing, but compared side by side with never trying and having no result, I think we would rather have a result.  We all regret more so things that we never tried because it leaves us with what if.  We need to listen to songs from when we were 5, and believe again in the unlimited, the impossible because afterall that's when we solely were the only ones that determined what we could have, it can only be explained that others along the way had to have got us off of this idea or path because we had it right from the beginning.   When we were just kids in the driveway, our time was spent hours and hours imagining the crowd and taking the winning shot on the basketball hoop with seconds remaining.  We took the time to feel the crowd, the emotions, the rush.  We saw our friends and loved ones around us watching us go for the winning shot, being a winner, being the hero, we imagined being the leader and the one that wins the championship.  Not one of us every imagined being the guy on the bench that kept it warm for others.  None of us imagined heckling others.  None of us imagined only playing for a few minutes because our feet hurt.  None of us imagined passing the responsibility to others.   We imagined greatness, demanded it of ourselves, invisioned the last few seconds with us being the reason for victory, and if we missed that shot in the driveway that day, you better believe we felt incomplete and before you could say a negative thing, we were counting down again.  We do have it in us, we know that because we remember it, sometimes it's easier to forget.  When did we all decide to be benchwarmers and spectators, and quit being the one who led the team down the court, and take on the pressure for that winning shot, we all changed along the way, and when we admit that to ourselves, that's when we will make the first step in getting that back!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Some Quotes for the Day

(My Original Blog Post:
"If my goal for a desired result, had me believing it would take 500 steps, and at 500 steps,I then realized it was closer to 1000 steps, I would never say I failed, I would say I am half way to my goal, I'm thankful I got the first 500 steps out of the way."


"What if a pilot's GOAL was to arrive on the runway at 3pm and he was still in the air at 3pm, should he just stop and give up on his GOAL?  Ask the passengers what they think about giving up on one's goals."


"Most people don't miss their goals, they just miscalculate the deadline!"


"If you aren't sure if making goals will help you achieve them, I can tell you not making goals for sure helps not achieve them."


"If 99% of America will end up broke and/or in poor health by retirement, why would you model yourself after what they do?"


"Every choice you make every moment is either a Lifetime deposit or an Instant Gratification withdrawl, make more deposits than withdrawls!"


"Drive your life, design your life, set the sail for your life, steer your life, don't let life happen to you, don't just float through life."